Dockstar 4 0
adminApril 27 2021
Dockstar 4 0
The best on the water just got even better. MasterCraft’s new DockStar Handling System gives drivers of any ability a boost of confidence by making tight spots like docks and marinas easier to navigate. DockStar’s breakthrough design delivers the ultimate control with a system of additional rudders that deflect prop wash beneath the boat. Oct 08, 2010 Seagate's FreeAgent DockStar Network Adapter is the successor to its FreeAgent GoDock+, the optional docking station for Seagate's line of Seagate FreeAgent Go portable drives.DockStar sets the Go. HTC Desire, SBM7000, Oregon State University OSWALD, Gumstix Overo Earth, Pandora, Apple iPhone 3GS, Apple iPod touch (3rd and 4th Generation), Apple iPad, Apple iPhone 4, Apple TV (Second Generation), Archos 5, Archos 43, BeagleBoard, Genesi EFIKA MX, Motorola Droid, Motorola Droid X, Motorola Droid 2, Motorola Droid R2D2 Edition, Palm Pre. 3.1-4.1 litres/ha in 200 litres of water/ha or spot application. Use the high rate on heavy infestations of mature docks. Dockstar may cause temporary yellowing of some pasture species. To minimise any check to growth do NOT spray immediately after grazing. Leave pasture for at least 2-3 weeks after grazing before spraying.
- pyDock - Protein-protein docking (see below for online) - standalone
- PrePPItar - Computational probing protein-protein interactions targeting small molecules - standalone
- DOVE - convolutional deep neural network-based approach named DOcking decoy selection with Voxel-based deep neural nEtwork (DOVE) for evaluating protein docking models (online)
- EROS-DOCK - protein–protein docking using exhaustive branch-and-bound rotational search (standalone)
- INTERSPIA - Explore the Dynamics of Protein-Protein Interactions Among Multiple Species - online
- KSENIA - Knowledge of Native Protein-Protein Interfaces is Sufficient to Construct Predictive Models for the Selection of Binding Candidates (protein docking, knowledge-based potential) - standalone
- LightDock - a new multi-scale approach to protein-protein docking (standalone)
- MEPSA - Minimum energy pathway analysis for energy landscapes - standalone
- PRODIGY - Binding affinity of protein-protein complexes - standalone
- DOCKSCORE - A webserver for ranking protein-protein docked poses - online
- Galaxy - GalaxyRefineComplex: Refinement of protein-protein complex model structures driven by interface repacking - online
- HDOCK - hybrid protein–protein and protein–DNA/RNA docking (2017) - online
- DisVis - Visualizes the accessible interaction space - online
- DockStar - Modelling of multimolecular protein complexes - docking - online
- FiltRest3D - Filtering protein models by fuzzy restraints. Discrimination of native-like complexes from low-resolutions docking decoys - online and standalone
- InterEvDock - Docking server to predict the structure of protein–protein interactions using evolutionary information - online
- MinkoFit3D - A swebserver for fitting macromolecular assemblies into low-resolution electron density maps using Minkowski sum analysis - online
- (PS)2 - Prediction of protein complexes by comparative modeling(PS)2 - online
- pyDock - pyDockSAXS: Protein protein complex structure by SAXS and computational docking - online
- DockAFM - Docking structures under an AFM surface - online
- webSDA - A web server to simulate macromolecular diffusional association - online
- AIDA - Ab initio domain assembly for automated multi-domain protein structure prediction and domain–domain interaction prediction - standalone and online server
- side chains - The Impact of Side-Chain Packing on Protein Docking Refinement - standalone
- Docks - AFM - Combine of docking solutions of structural subunits under an AFM surface (2014). CombineDocksAFM - online
- SPOT:RNA - SPOT-Seq-RNA: Predicting Protein-RNA Complex Structure and RNA-Binding Function by Fold Recognition and Binding Affinity Prediction - online
- LoopFinder - A web-based interface for LoopFinder (predict loops at interfaces, could be used for cmpd design) is currently under construction. In the meantime, LoopFinder is freely available for use. Requests for binary files or code can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Gavenonis et al, Nat Chem Biol. 2014) - standalone for now
- heparin - Heparin docking server for the identification of heparin binding sites on proteins (advanced option of the ClusPro server) - online
- PPI - Scoring docking conformations using predicted protein interfaces: T-PIP (For Protein Interface Prediction) and T-PioDock (For Ranking Docking Models) software - standalone
- DoBi - Find binding sites and can be used for docking - standalone
- Cell-Dock - High-performance protein-protein docking - standalone
- SEQMOL - Protein-protein docking: SEQMOL as a decoy filtering utility to select the best models - standalone
- Kd server - CRYSTAL STRUCTURE Kd SERVER (with SEQMOL). PDB to free energy (Alexei Korennykh lab). The algorithm was trained using experimentally determined binding parameters from about a hundred of different complexes. The software measures dG from calculating dS and dH of the interfaces. The paper will be published in the coming months - check with the authors
- Datasets - Complete Cross Docking Data Of Mintseris Benchmark 2.0 - dataset
- MFIB - Mutual Folding Induced by Binding (MFIB) database
- InterPreTS - Interaction Prediction through Tertiary Structure: Given a set of protein sequences (in fasta format), this tool will use BLAST to find homologues of known structure for all pairs (i.e. templates that can model each pair of sequences based on homology) and then evaluate the suitability of those templates for modelling the interaction. Template-based docking - standalone
- Struct2Net - Struct2Net or Coev2Net Predict PPIs by combining a structure-based threading approach with machine learning techniques. Also compute a confidence score that addresses both false-positive and false-negative rates. Template-based docking - online
- Interact. - Interactome3D: a web service for the structural annotation of protein-protein interaction networks - online
- KBDOCK - KBDOCK (knowledge-based protein docking, docking under restraints) - database and online
- FunHunt - FunHunt is a classifier of correct protein-protein complex orientations. The input to FunHunt are two possible orientations of a complex. A local docking run is performed on the two complexes using RosettaDock. FunHunt then uses features gathered from these docking runs - representing the local energy landscapes of the orientations, and chooses the near-native orientation among both (assuming that one of the orientations is the near native one) - online
- F2Dock - F2Dock, a rigid-body protein-protein docking software - online upon request
- BiGGER - Chemera is a molecular modelling and graphics application that also serves as the interface to BiGGER (protein-protein docking) - standalone
- FiberDock - Flexible Induced-fit Backbone Refinement in Molecular Docking. FiberDock is an efficient method for flexible refinement and re-scoring of rigid-body protein-protein docking solutions - online
- FRODOCK - Fast Rotational DOCKing. Generates very efficiently many potential predictions of how two proteins could interact - online
- DOCK - DOCK/PIE(RR): Web Server for Structure Prediction of Protein-Protein Complexes - online
- ZDOCK - ZDOCK server: interactive docking prediction of protein-protein complexes and symmetric multimers - online
- dDFIRE / DFIRE2 - Energy calculation - online
- PRISM - PRotein Interactions by Structural Matching - online
- DIMER - PREDDIMER: a web server for prediction of transmembrane helical dimers - online
- SPRING - SPRING is a template-base algorithm for protein-protein structure prediction - online
- COTH - COTH (CO-THreader) is a multiple-chain protein threading algorithm which is designed to identify and recombine protein complex structures from both tertiary and complex structure libraries - online
- TACOS - TACOS (Template-based Assembly of Complex Structures) is designed to model the structure of protein-protein complexes based on a hierarchical approach of template identification and structural refinement - online
- HOMCOS - HOmology Modeling of protein COmplex Structure - online
- Udock - The Interactive Docking Entertainment System - standalone (windows)
- DockTrina - Docking triangular protein trimers - docking, standalone
- DockRank - Ranking docked conformations using partner-specific sequence homology based protein interface prediction - online scoring
- MEGADOCK - An All-to-all Protein-protein Interaction Prediction System Using Tertiary Structure Data. Last version is 4, June 2014 - PPI docking, standalone
- Score-MI - An information-theoretic classification of amino acids for the assessment of interfaces in protein-protein docking. The reduced alphabets derived from the present work were converted into a scoring function for the evaluation of docking solutions, which is available for public use via the web service score-MI - online scoring
- SymmDock - Prediction of Complexes with Cn Symmetry by Geometry Based Docking - online
- LZerD - Protein-Protein Docking Algorithm - standalone
- PI-LZerD - Protein Docking Prediction Using Predicted Protein-Protein Interface - standalone
- F(2)Dock 2.0 - Protein-Protein Docking with F(2)Dock 2.0 and GB-Rerank - PPI docking, online site 1
- F(2)Dock 2.0 - Protein-Protein Docking with F(2)Dock 2.0 and GB-Rerank - PPI docking, online site 2
- Link - PTools : a C++ and Python library for macromolecular docking - standalone
- ATTRACT - Docking Program (Fortran-Version, full source code and manual) - standalone
- SwarmDock - A server for flexible protein-protein docking - online docking
- Link - Prune and Probe: Two modular web services for protein-protein docking - docking online
- 3D-GARDEN - Global and Restrained Docking Exploration Nexus 3D-GARDEN is a state-of-the-art comprehensive software suite and server for protein-protein docking with full high-performance computing functionality - online docking
- Database - DOCKGROUND: The resource implements a comprehensive database of co-crystallized (bound-bound) protein-protein complexes - Database of experimental complexes
- FireDock - The server addresses the refinement problem of protein-protein docking solutions - Macromolecular docking online
- Grammx - Tools for protein-protein docking. GrammX: web interface of Gramm - Macromolecular docking online, see also standalone
- LIGIN - Molecular docking using surface complementarity. The LIGIN program is also available as part of WHATIF - standalone
- PatchDock - Protein docking tools (PatchDock) and related. PatchDock, webserver for macromolecules and small molecules docking based on shape complementarity criteria. There are many other tools here including tools for peptides, flexibility, comparing binding pockets... - online docking
- AquaSAXS - A web server for computation and fitting of SAXS profiles with non-uniformally hydrated atomic models - online
- PBSword - A web server designed for efficient and accurate comparisons and searches of geometrically similar protein-protein binding sites from a large-scale database - online
- InterEvScore - A novel coarse-grained interface scoring function using a multi-body statistical potential coupled to evolution - standalone
- pyDockWEB - A web server that returns the best rigid-body docking orientations generated by FTDock and evaluated by pyDock scoring function, which includes electrostatics, desolvation energy and limited van der Waals contribution - online
- PyDock - Tool for protein-protein docking. The module ODA can help to predict potential protein-protein interaction regions. pyDock is a fast protocol which uses electrostatics and desolvation energy to score docking poses generated with FFT-based algorithms - standalone
- HINT - HINT (High-quality INTeractomes) is a database of high-quality protein-protein interactions in different organisms - database
- HADDOCK - Docking driven by interface restraints - online
- SmoothDock - Protein docking - docking online
- Bipdock - Bielefeld Protein Docking Software - standalone
- ZDOCK - docking based on FFT search - standalone
- ClusPro - Protein-protein docking webserver using 3 docking programs - DOT ZDOCK GRAMM - docking online
- PIC - Protein Interactions Calculator - online
- DOT - Protein-protein docking software - standalone
- ROSIE - ROSIE, including rosetta Protein-protein docking - online
- CombDock - Combinatorial assembly of multiprotein complexes by multiple docking (see also Firedock) - standalone
- RosettaDock - The RosettaDock server - docking
- BDOCK - Protein-protein docking software integrating the degree of burial of surface residues into protein-protein docking - standalone
- Hex - Protein-protein docking and molecular superposition program - docking online
- ESCHER-NG - Protein-protein and DNA-protein docking software - standalone
- FTDock - Fourier Transform Dock - standalone
- FastContact - : a free energy scoring tool for protein protein complex structures (PPI) - Scoring (PPI) online
- ADP_EM - Makes it possible to accurately dock atomic structures into low-resolution electron-density maps - standalone
- PARE - The program PARE calculates the change in rate of association (kon) of mutant protein-protein interaction complexes from the change in the Debye Huckel energy of interaction - Structural Analysis, binding, mutations, online
- Last updated on .
should supply the needed programs to use onboard sound. Defaultvolume can be adjusted using alsamixer.
A key change with Linux kernel version 4.4.x for ARM related to ALSA and to theneeded sound module: in order to use tools such as alsamixer with the currentkernel, users must modify /boot/config.txt
to contain the following line:
Caveats for Audio
To force audio over HDMI, add this to /boot/config.txt
If you experience distortion using the 3.5mm analogue output:
To be able to talk to the bluetooth chip, you must install the services, firmware, and UDEV rules. The pi-bluetooth packagefrom the AUR is available to do this.
The BCM43* series chips are notorious for problems when both wifi and bluetooth are used at the same time. This coexistence issue comes in varying degrees of severity but for most users makes using the Pi in bluetooth A2DP mode while also using wifi impossible. Bluetooth buffer underruns are caused by sharing the UART device, resulting in skipping, popping, hissing, and generally unusable audio. For some users, this also effects peripherals such as mice and keyboards. A firmware fix was found for both the Pi3 and Pi ZeroW, discussion of this fix can be found in this github issue.
To deploy the fix to the current firmware in Arch add the following lines:
to the end of these firmware config files:
This fix can be found in this git commit. The fix is experimental and is not yet deployed to the upstream package
4 Divided By 0 Equals
The driver for Raspberry Pi can be installed with the xf86-video-fbdev
or xf86-video-fbturbo-git
Memory split between the CPU and GPU can be set in boot/config.txt
by adjusting the parameter gpu_mem
which stands for the amount of RAM in MBthat is available to the GPU (minimum 16, default 64) and the rest is availableto the ARM CPU.
HDMI/Analogue TV-Out
With the default configuration, the Raspberry Pi uses HDMI video if a HDMImonitor is connected. Otherwise, it uses analog TV-Out (also known as compositeoutput or RCA) To turn the HDMI or analog TV-Out on or off, have a look at/opt/vc/bin/tvservice
Use the -s
parameter to check the status; the -o
parameter to turn the display off and -p
parameter to power on HDMI withpreferred settings.
Adjustments are likely required to correct properoverscan/underscan and are easily achieved in /boot/config.txt
in which manytweaks are set. To fix, simply uncomment the corresponding lines and setup perthe commented instructions:
Or simply disable overscan if the TV/monitor has a 'fit to screen' option.
Users wishing to use the analog video out should consult this config filewhich contains options for non-NTSC outputs.
The commands for the camera module are included as part of the raspberrypi-firmware package:$ /opt/vc/bin/raspistill$ /opt/vc/bin/raspivid
Append to /boot/config.txt
The following is a common error:
which can be corrected by setting these values in /boot/config.txt
Another common error:mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component '' (1:ENOMEM)mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component '' (1)mmal: Failed to create camera componentmmal: main: Failed to create camera componentmmal: Only 64M of gpu_mem is configured. Try running 'sudo raspi-config' and ensure that 'memory_split' has a value of 128 or greater
can be corrected by adding the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
In order to use standard applications (those that look for /dev/video0
) theV4L2 driver must be loaded. This can be done automatically at boot by creatingan autoload file, /etc/modules-load.d/rpi-camera.conf
The V4L2 driver by default only allows video recording up to 1280x720, else itglues together consecutive still screens resulting in videos of 4 fps or lower.Adding the following options removes this limitation, /etc/modprobe.d/rpi-camera.conf
Onboard Hardware Sensors
Dockstar 4 000
Temperatures sensors can be queried with utils in the raspberrypi-firmware
Four different voltages can be monitored via /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd
Where <id>
- core for core voltage
- sdram_c for sdram Core voltage
- sdram_i for sdram I/O voltage
- sdram_p for sdram PHY voltage
BCM2708 has a hardware watchdog which can be utilized by enabling thebcm2708_wdog
kernel module.
For proper operation the watchdog daemon also has to be installed, configured(by uncommenting the 'watchdog-device' line in /etc/watchdog.conf
) andenabled.
This should also apply for Raspberry Pi 2 by using the bcm2709_wdog
moduleand Raspberry Pi 3 by using the bcm2835_wdt
Hardware Random Number Generator
Arch Linux ARM for the Raspberry Pi had the bcm2708-rng
module set to load atboot; starting with kernel 4.4.7 the bcm2835_rng
module replaces theformer on Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 units.
Install rng-tools
andtell the Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon (rngd
) where to find the hardwarerandom number generator. This can be done by editing /etc/conf.d/rngd
and enabling and starting the rngd
If haveged
is running, it should be stopped and disabled, as it mightcompete with rngd
and is only preferred when there is no hardware random numbergenerator available.
Once completed, this change ensures that data from thehardware random number generator is fed into the kernel's entropy pool at/dev/random
. To check the available entropy, run:
The number it reports should be around 3000, whereas before setting up rngd itwould have been closer to 1000.
I/O Pins
To be able to use the GPIO pins from Python, use the RPi.GPIO library. Install the python-raspberry-gpio packagefrom the AUR.
To enable the /dev/spidev*
devices, uncomment the following line in/boot/config.txt
Install i2c-tools
and lm_sensors
Configure the bootloader to enable the i2c hardware by appending to /boot/config.txt
Configure the i2c-dev
and i2c-bcm2708
(if not blacklisted for the camera) modules to be loaded at boot in/etc/modules-load.d/raspberrypi.conf
i2c-dev i2c-bcm2708
Reboot the Raspberry Pi and issue the following command to get the hardware address:
Note: When using the I2C1 port instead of I2C0, one will need to run i2cdetect-y 1
instead and replace i2c-0
with i2c-1
in the following steps.
Now instantiate the device. Change the hardware address to the address found inthe previous step with '0x' as prefix (e.g. 0x48) and choose a device name:
Check dmesg
for a new entry:
Finally, read the sensor output: sensors
To enable the 1-wire interface add this line to /boot/config.txt
and reboot.dtoverlay=w1-gpio
Non-Root GPIO
To use the GPIO/SPI pins as a regular non-root user (in group tty
), add the following lines to a new file /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-spi-permissions.rules
See Also
- Raspberry Pi - Official website
- RPi Config - Excellent source of info relating to under-the-hood tweaks.
- RPi vcgencmd usage - Overview of firmware command vcgencmd.
- Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi - A FAQ style site with hints and tips for running Arch Linux on the RPi
Dockstar 4 0